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I understand that it’s suggested to not changing the decimal precision of a currency once transaction created and released. But, I just like to know what the problem exactly is. 

There are indeed transactions have been made on the currency (this is not base currency setup in the system) but most of them are having two decimal places on the amount, only one AR invoice has 3 dps. If this invoice is reversed and the decimal precision is changed from 4 to 2. What might be the impact?


Hello @kristianharianja 

I suggest copying your tenant, changing the decimals on the currency, and then entering test transactions of every kind in the test tenant so you can understand the impact on your exact situation, your exact data. 

After the one AR invoice with 3 decimals is reversed, you will have 2 documents with too many digits instead of one. Perhaps if these documents are not printed or opened on the screen, your system will function without error.

Hi @kristianharianja 

As @laura01  stated, you should test it in a sandbox or test tenant first. 

With regards to functionality, it’s going to change the rounding of the document and that may impact customer payments. Payments could come in over or under and that requires extra work then to write off those balances, no matter how small. I have seen this become an issue before so therefore testing is the best route to take. 

