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I have an AP Bill that I was trying to reclass. When I initiated the reclass and attempted to ‘release’ the bill, I received an error message ‘Updating the ‘PMRegister record failed because data in some field is too long’ (screenshot is below)

How can I shorten the description so that I can release the bill?

Thank you.



What choices are active on the [...] menu?

Has a GL Transaction been created yet, to represent the reclass of this bill?  If so, what is the status on the GL batch?

Thank you.


Hi @jpalyan1981 

Generally this issue happens when the data is heavy than the alloacated DAC length, do you have any customizations?

Any description is too large?

@Laura02 the only choices available on the menu are release and pay.

Could not see GL batch information. I checked the GL detail for posted and unposted transactions and dont see that the reclass is even pending on the GL. 

Thank you very much for your help.



@manikantad18 I am not sure about specific customization. I would have thought that if the length of the description was customized then it will error out when the actual bill was created and saved. The issue became when we tried to reclass the bill.

Thank you very much for trying to help.


Hi @jpalyan1981 were you able to find a solution? Thank you!

Hi @Chris Hackett. Yes, our consultant submitted ticket to Acumatica and they were able to help. Thank you. 
