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Hello Team,


Is anyone having issues with Bankfeeds at the moment? It seems like some banks have limited Plaid or MX from being able to sync transactions on a regular basis.

Few weeks ago, we were able to sync transactions without any limit, but it looks like some banks have made it only possible at a certain amount of period per day/week.

Do we have any alternative to this?



  • jvaliente51 Thank you for your response. I am working with my bank based on the post you provided. 

I will update this community with my banks answers once I have them.


Thanks again!

@scottz38 Thank you! Please let us know!

I didn’t get much help, but here was my banks answer.

Hi Scott,

Thanks for reaching out! We do not have a direct connection with Plaid; however, I have heard of members using it. I understand that Plaid would use your credentials to login to your account on your behalf and collect your transaction history. What I cannot guarantee is that your online accounts will be formatted in a way that fits Plaids requirements. 

We had a customer using Plaid, with the TD Bank Canadian side.  Initially the process worked and then stopped.  Plaid was using the customers logon  credentials to obtain the required information.  The bank locked out the customer and Plaid.  At some point they unlocked the account but indicated that by allowing Plaid to use their credentials they were violating their agreement.  Currently Plaid can not be used.  The bank eventually provided a format that they would supply to the customer CPTS_AccessOnline_USBank UVCF_4.0_1-4 .  There is no import scenario for this format currently available in Acumatica.   It would make sense that Acumatica provide its customers import scenarios for Standard industry feeds. Instead of having to shop around or develop your own.  It seems we are all wanting the same things.  Matt 
