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I am looking for an AR Aging based upon financial period that would include the unreleased retainage in it as well. This should be pretty standard to have but the out of the box “AR Aging Period Sensitive Report” does not have retainage available in it. How can we get something or is there another report that I am missing.


Please try AR Aged Period Sensitive With Retainage. Important: Choose the Report Format shown below:



@laura01 Thanks Laura. However, I tried a few days ago and the financial Period field was not available to be selected in the report, only the aging date. I then tried to adjust the report to add the Financial Period Field. I was successful in adding the field but when I click on it to change the financial period, I get the following error:


Perhaps try AR Retained Balance report?  Although Retained Balance report will not show in 30/60/90  columns, it DOES allow selection of a period and does show the Date/Period on every document.

Hi @jvinski71 

Have you looked at the trace error for that?


Or try an additional filter on the report?


Hi @kbeatty21 , here is the error trace. I tried the filtering option you gave but it did not give any results.


19/09/2022 13:15:07 Error:
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

   at PX.Web.UI.PXSoapDataSource.AppendParameters(PXGrid grid, String idPref, ReportParameterCollection pars, PXSelectEventArgs args)
   at PX.Web.UI.PXReportViewer.Selector_Select(Object sender, PXSelectEventArgs e)
   at PX.Web.UI.PXSelectEventHandler.Invoke(Object sender, PXSelectEventArgs e)
   at PX.Web.UI.PXGrid.OnSelect(PXSelectEventArgs e)
   at PX.Web.UI.PXGrid.PerformSelect()
   at PX.Web.UI.PXSelectorBase.GetCallbackResult(PXCallbackCommand cmd)
   at PX.Web.UI.PXCallbackManager.RenderControlsData(PXCallbackResultMethod resultMethod, XmlWriter writer)
   at PX.Web.UI.PXCallbackManager.GetCallbackResultInternal(PXCallbackResultMethod resultMethod)

Hi @jvinski71 - were you able to find a solution? Thank you!

@Chris Hackett Yes, for the AR, I used the filter as described and it worked. I am having issues however with the same report for AP. The column for unreleased retainage seems to be showing the total balance for the customer and not any unreleased retainage...

@jvinski71 I don’t see that there is an AP Aged Period Sensitive with Retainage report, can you advise on which report is being used?

It might also be a good idea to make the AP report its own topic so that people who are looking for AP over AR information could find this quicker.

Hello all and @jvinski71 , has anyone been able to filter by financial period with the "AP Aged Period Sensitive with Retainage report" report? We have the same question.

