@pkohler91 When you restore a snapshot, the system does not ‘know’ about the vendors that were restored in the snapshot. Vendors you add after the snapshot has been restored are indexed. In order to re-educate the system, you need to rebuild the full-text entity search, making sure to select inventory items and the vendor entities.
I would like to add that in the initial release of AP Document Recognition we encountered some issues that we are planning to resolve in the 2021 R2 timeframe. The primary issues are:
- Vendor is frequently not recognized. If you encounter this problem, make sure you rebuild the full-text entity search after restoring a snapshot. In 2021 R2 we will match the from-email-address and implement algorithms to remember vendors that are manually matched.
- Recognition can take 15 – 80 seconds. In the 2021 R2 release we are planning to replace the underlying AI/ML engine to solve the latency and variability of the recognition process.
- Mapping detail lines is time consuming. In the 2021 R2 release we allow you to map groups of detail lines so you can map fields once instead of mapping fields for each individual line.
- System does not ‘learn’ as quickly as we hoped. We are planning to implement more detailed feedback so you do not have to fix the same problem in recurring invoices for multiple months.
- System is optimized for US/Canadian invoices. In 2021 R2 we will make platform changes so a different AI/ML/OCR engine can be implemented in different countries.