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Hello Acumatica community! :)

Prior to Acumatica, we used Timberscan with Sage300 and could report out of Timberscan with various parameters to get a summary of invoices with all relevant attachments as one file - a pdf.  I have a need to do this in Acumatica and cannot figure out how.  Do any of you have suggestions?


Thanks for you time.

Kay Howe

Jackson, OH 



One more thing.  Our Tax Manager with Plante & Moran  just asked for all Legal & Accounting invoice documents.  This is spot on to my question. I’m hopeful someone knows how to do this.

 @tgillum29 @aaghaei 

HI @khowe86 

What are the ‘attachments’ you are looking for? Actual file attachments that were uploaded to the record, or just information from the invoice?


Because I have worked with TS in the past I know what you mean.

As for your first question, the fact is TS is not really keeping the pdf files. it converts the attachments to “tiff” when you upload attachments and save and it has all the the attachments inside one file. On the other hand, Acumatica treats each file as an actual file without any modifications and attach to the documents (in your case AP Bill) that is why you can have different types of attachments like pdf, image, word, excel while you couldn’t have in TS. while this adds flexibility of having your desired  attachments on the flipside because of possibility of heterogeneous file types they are not merged but kept separately. So the answer is out of the box you can not merged and download all associated attachments at once for any given document including AP Bills.

As for the second question, IF you are following a standard file naming convention like including the vendor name/abbr in your file names, you might have a clunky workaround by going to “Search in Files” screen SM202520 and filtering on “Name” column but you still will need to download one-by-one.

On a side note, the AP ISV that you are using might have a solution but I do not know their features really.

Re Q1 you do NOT have much of customization option either because of the heterogeneous file types but for Q2 a customization CAN allow you to pick a vendor, provide some parameters like date range and download all of the attachments at once in one folder and categorize them for example by the Document “RefNbr”. The customization will not be that easy but definitely doable.
