We are just starting to configure a site for a customer that will be using service management, project management and inventory.
Our service order type is set to generate project transactions upon invoice

Our projects will be percentage completion billed
When a service order appointment is created with inventory lines, and is invoiced, Acumatica creates an IN transactions to reduce inventory (this seems correct). However, the inventory transaction that appears on the project has no quantity or cost related to it. So while inventory is correct or job/project has not absorbed the inventory cost and is therefore incorrect.

It seems silly to me that a service order tied to a project would not update the actual cost of the inventory to the project system. Am I missing a setup/configuration or perhaps a business process work around?
I did see that there was this:
AC-256292: If in the Generated Billing Documents box on the General tab of the Service Order Types (FS202300) form, Project Transaction was selected as a billing document for service orders and appointments, the Details tab of the Service Orders (FS300100) or Appointments (FS300200) form contained detail lines with stock items, and a user clicked Run Billing on the More menu of the Service Orders or Appointments form, the system created one project transaction with the details from the service order or appointment and also one inventory issue with the stock items. As a result, both documents updated the cost in the corresponding project, and the cost of stock items doubled in the project balance. Fix Description: If a project transaction is created as a billing document for service orders or appointments, the Acumatica Release Notes for 23.102.0042 stock item lines from that project transaction have zero quantity and zero cost.
But why would an inventory transaction that is supposed to be costed to a project update inventory only and not the project?