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Hey guys,


I am trying to sort the values in the rows of a pivot table to ascending order. Tried changing the same in the Pivot table by changing the sort order and sort by but the result is not as required.



In order to get it in an order, I have changed the names for appts in Workflow stages, but still not getting the desired result. 

Need to see 1-New followed by 2-Tentative and 3-DEL/INST/INSP and so on. 

Would appreciate your help 🙂 .

Hi @adalvi 

Could you please XML format of Pivot Table?


Hi @adalvi 

Could you please XML format of Pivot Table?


Hey Manikantad18, for now I have renamed my stages as 01-stag1, 02-stage2, 03-stage3 and so on for getting the stages to sort in ascending order, and it worked fine.

Thank you for sharing your solution with the community @adalvi !
