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I’m creating some historical service contracts through an import scenario. With that I want to add a date to Last Billing Date to avoid creating invoices starting from the beginning of the contract when running the billing for the first time. 

I tried to add the last billing date through a import scenario and it didn't work. Could you please provide any suggestions here?

Best Regards,




Hi @dsenevirathne54 

I think you would need a customization.  We needed something similar in our implementation of contract billings where we could update next billing date based on number of days in advance field.



I agree with @DavidEichner 

Import scenarios will only work to update fields that are editable on the screen. The Last Billing Date field is calculated by the system, based on the start date of the contract, the billing periods of the contract and the invoices generated from it, hence it’s not editable. I would advise to either create a script to updated theses fields trhoug the DB or to create a customization.  
