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@Anacarina Calvo 



Does anyone know how to link a refund to a service order?  If a refund is issued at some point in the SVO history I am unable to know that it exists without this link.  For some unknown reason I can link this customer refund to a SO but in the SVO tab the fields are unusable.  Baffling…




Hi @dgross 

According to the help, this tab is only reserved for prepayments. It does not appear that you can apply a refund to a service order. 

This tab includes the list of the customer’s open service orders for which the incoming prepayment is to be reserved.

This tab appears on the form only if the prepayment has been created for a service order or appointment.

Hello @dgross ,

Please create an Idea in the Idea discussion area. I see a similar idea for Vendor refunds and service orders; maybe you can add your Customer Refund idea to the below link and vote, or add your idea as a new post.




Did you try generating a “Credit Memo” for the Invoice generated from Service Order and check to see if the credit memo has a reference to the service order?

Hi @dgross 
On the Payments and Applications tab, the Service Orders tab is only used when a Prepayment is applied to a Service Order or Appointment. In addition, the tab is always readonly. It is populated when the Create Prepayment action is used on the Service Order or Appointment form. 
Did you create the refund from a Prepayment applied to a Service Order/Appointment or from a Payment of an Invoice created from the Service Order/Appointment? 

The former.

@dgross as indicated Laura, it seems like a good item to add as an idea. 
In the meantime, if you want to add visibility, you could create a sidepanel to show the Service Orders associated to the refund; or on the Service Order/Appointment, create a sidepanel to show the payments and refunds associated. To create the sidepanel join with the tables FSAdjust and ARTranPost

@Anacarina Calvo 

How exactly?  If I could create a side panel then I could grab the transaction in a report.  Below is the prepayment which has 2 refunds applied to it.  I checked if ARTRANPost had any connection and it doesn’t as far as I can tell.  What are the joins?



Hi @dgross 
For example, I created a Sidepanel so that from the Refund, it shows associated Prepayment and Service Order. 

The parameter is the Refund’s Ref Nbr

  Then, the relation is with sourceRefNbr on the ARTranPost table with the adjgRefNbr on the FSAdjust table; and with FSServiceOrder’s refNbr and srvOrdType equal to FSAdjust’s adjdOrderNbr and adjdOrderType

(I am adjusting the xml of the Generic Inquiry)

Finally you can create a sidepanel that passes the Refund’s ref nbr to the generic inquiry 

Let me know if this was what you were asking for 

@Anacarina Calvo  Hi Anacarina, thanks for putting this together but it does not work as you had hoped.






Hi @dgross54  
the Generic Inquiry was to be used with the Refund’s Ref Nbr as parameter. If you want to use the Prepayment as parameter you need to change the relations between the ARTranPost and the FSAdjust tables to use the refNbr instead of the sourceRefNbr

Attached is the updated GI
Let me know if this works
