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Import Scenario to Create Bills for an Appointment

  • 25 January 2024
  • 1 reply


I’m trying to create a business event that creates AP bills relating to an appointment.

The requirement is to create some AP bills automatically when an appointment is created. I’m trying to use the Create AP Bill action in the detail tab of the appointment form for the import scenario. However, I can’t find how to use this action in the import scenario. Could you anyone please help me with this?

Or else do you see any way I can fulfill the requirement?

Best Regards,


1 reply

Userlevel 4
Badge +2


I would try instead to create the import scenario from the Bills and Adjustements screen and insert a line on the bill with the information that you need.

You can test that it’s possible to link a line on the Details tab of the Bills and Adjustments by seelcting the Related Svc. Doc. Type (either appointment or service order), adding the reference number and then saving the document.

When the document is saved the line related to the AP bill will be inserted on the service order or appointment. 

Becuase that action Create AP Bill really opens the Bills and Adjustments screen, and an import scenario for the Appointments screen will eneter the data in only that screen, not on multiple screens. 

I hope that helps. 
