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Field Service Mobile App: How to start and complete time independently for multiple staff members on the same appointment?

We have multiple staff members assigned to an appointment and they start at different times.

In the mobile app, the “primary” driver starts the appointment. We tried for others to start their appointments at different times with the “start” button as well, but it did not work for us.

We did log their time manually on the log tab in the mobile app as a workaround. 

Is it possible for all assigned staff member to start and complete the appointment automatically when they select “start” and “complete” or is it only possible to capture individual time manually through the log tab on the app?

Is there a configuration or flag that I am not seeing?

Your input is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Best answer by maybellebulahan84

Hi! It is possible to capture each individual’s time as long as they are in different line items in the details tab and each line item has to have a Staff member assigned. On the mobile app, go to the Details Tab, long press on the line item and click the Start for the Assigned Staff button, configure the date and time and click OK. Once completed, click the Complete button instead. The Start and End Time should be automatically updated in the log tab for each staff member.

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Hi! It is possible to capture each individual’s time as long as they are in different line items in the details tab and each line item has to have a Staff member assigned. On the mobile app, go to the Details Tab, long press on the line item and click the Start for the Assigned Staff button, configure the date and time and click OK. Once completed, click the Complete button instead. The Start and End Time should be automatically updated in the log tab for each staff member.

Varsity I
mstuber02 wrote:

We have multiple staff members assigned to an appointment and they start at different times.

In the mobile app, the “primary” driver starts the appointment. We tried for others to start their appointments at different times with the “start” button as well, but it did not work for us.

We did log their time manually on the log tab in the mobile app as a workaround. 

Is it possible for all assigned staff member to start and complete the appointment automatically when they select “start” and “complete” or is it only possible to capture individual time manually through the log tab on the app?

Is there a configuration or flag that I am not seeing?

Your input is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

mstuber02, Did you folks figure this out?   I am seeing inconsistent behaviour when trying to do this.  Issues like all line items starting when the Primary Driver starts and other weird issues when trying to have multiple techs in one appointment.  This seems to work well when there is only one tech per appointment, so my customer is actually scheduling an appointment for each tech in the same service order ending up with multiple appointments to manage in billing.

Acumatica Moderator
  • Acumatica Moderator
  • June 28, 2024

To add to @maybellebulahan84 reply, thare are different Start buttons on the Appointments form, the start action on the header of the form will start the whole appointment (so the document gets status In Process). This action will be done only once, and depending on the settings on the Service Order type, it can trigger other actions (such as setting the start time on the appointment or tracking time for the technitians).

The Start action on the Details tab and the other one on the Staff tab, will start a particular the service (or multiple services) for a technitian or mutliple technicians. 

Similarly, there is one Complete action that completes the whole appointment (this can be done only once) and other Complete actions that complete specific services and or complete the logs for technicians.  


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