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We have a scenario where we sometimes need to convert lot numbers from one type to another.

My question is. Is there a way to do this and have the attributes automatically carry over from the old lot number to the new lot number?

@bclemons  It depends on what you mean by conversion and if this action result into a new record being created or adjust the existing one. If record on table remain the same the corresponding attributes would remain linked.

Please provide more details on which attributes and how the conversion is being done.

We currently have an 8 digit lot number system and are currently converting the existing inventory to a 10 digit system. so we would like to convert the existing inventory to the new system without losing the specific attributes associated the existing products. Basically we are trying to keep all the existing records and attributes and not create a new line of records.

@bclemons The attributes are linked to InventoryID which is a uniqueID (noteID) behind the scene and changing the InventoryID (InventoryCD Field on DB) or Lot serial Number on UI should not unlink them from their corresponding Attributes.
