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We are currently dealing with a minor issue regarding approvals. While the approval maps work as-intended, our users aren’t always as keenly aware of account/subaccount structures as Finance is, and so a few purchase orders, projects, and the like are being coded incorrectly by non-Finance users and approved by their non-Finance supervisors. We usually don’t catch these until after they have already been submitted for processing.

Is there a way we can set up something in Acumatica so that we don’t need to start the whole approval process all over again when we code-correct any submissions?​

Hi @DonFord The Inventory / Purchase order and the Payable Module has to be configured properly for the GL Codes to populate properly based on Warehouse GL Accounts or Inventory Item GL Accounts Settings or based on Warehouse GL Accounts.
If the Account or Subaccounts are too dynamic to have the select the right code, the users require to be trained and provided with a cheatsheet for the data entry of POs.

In Acumatica, the approval will re-initialize when the documents like the Purchase order are place on Hold and edited and Opened.


Hello @DonFord ,

We recently had a client with a similar problem, They added an approval by accounting at Level 1, and moved ‘regular’ approvals to Level 2 so that the AP Bills didn’t reach the “real” approvers until after the posting accounts had been reviewed.

Another idea, in addition to what Chandra suggests, is to ask the AP Clerk to leave the Bills/PO’s on Hold stats. Accounting managers can review the posting accounts and ‘Remove Hold’, sending documents with corrected posting out for approval by project managers, district supervisors, salespersons, etc.


