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Hello all, 

I was wondering if anyone has come across an ISV or developed a decent Equipment Module in Acumatica. I am not sure why Acumatica lacks equipment module functionality. When I talk about the eqipment module I do not simply mean to setup pieces of equipments with a few static values and enter some timecard for them. I mean the possibility of setting cost types (fuel, maintenace, repair, insurance, lease, depreaciation, ...) and mapping them to the GLs when applicable, catergorizing the cost types to classes like Ownership, Operating, … tieing equipments to the assets, tracking costs against the pieces of equipments and their workorders in the data entry screens(AP Bills, GL Tran, ...) and their modules/compenents, tracking their utilization and revenue and of course reporting on them.

Any help is appreciated.

Hi @aaghaei 

I’m assuming that you have already considered using the Equipment Maintenance module and customizing it to provide the functionality you are looking for?

If not, perhaps take a look at the functionality that exists there as a starting point?  Although, it was originally designed for customer equipment, it can be effectively used for internal equipment by simply setting up a customer record to represent the internal company or branch.




Hi @DavidEichner Thank you for the reply. If you are referring to “Equipment” module which is a part of Service Management how it correlates to my inquiry. As a very simple example, if a mechanic works on a piece of equipment, how we can code their time and associated cost to that piece of equipment? If we are ordering a part for a piece of equipment how we can code the order line and the subsequent invoices to a piece of equipment? How I can code repair and maintenance costs to a piece of equipment? How GL Transactions are reflecting the postings results initiated from AP or TM ...? How we can make inquiries on associated costs and their breakdown on equipment? How I can schedule my equipment and track their availabilities?

I don’t think Acumatica does any of these or maybe I am missing something that I will appreciate if you can direct me to any of the above items (perfabs ScreenIDs) and how they can be acheived.


Thank you.

Hi @aaghaei 

The equipment maintenance module is just a starting point for customization.  Other requirements beyond Acumatica’s functionality would obviously require customization.

Your other option would be to look at stand alone equipment management products that have integrations already built with Acumatica like BIMSER Enable Your Transformation with Enterprise Asset and Maintenance Management (





Thanks @DavidEichner 

I was hoping to miss something but seems I’m out of luck. 
