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Canceling/Expiring Project Quotes

  • 28 June 2024
  • 6 replies

We began using project quotes a year ago, and we have since realized that there seems to be no way to cancel a quote.

Is there a way to have Project Quotes canceled or automatically expired so we can easily create default views of current and unexpired/uncancled quotes?

It’s been suggested to me that this is a feature of the CRM module, which is not something that we have, but also seems an equally strange thing to do. Everywhere else we can open, complete, or even cancel items without the need for an extra module we won’t really get much use out of.

@stanton69 it is a little bizarre that you can’t cancel the quote, may be an improvement to add to the idea forum.


one workaround that I could think of that could be done without a customization is filtering the project quotes inquiry screen by expiration date.  

you can modify that to fit your needs but the only caveat to this is that the expiration date must be filled out.  I noticed in my testing that the expiration date is not a required field and there are a few quotes in the sales demo that dont have expiration dates


the other option would be to talk to your partner to see if its possible to add this button to decline the quote. I see the option exists on the backend but i dont see it on the UI:


Hi @stanton69 

Without using CRM, you can not set the expiration date automatically. 

The suggestions that I have are to create a customization that forces users to put an expiration date in or use business events to trigger expiration dates. 

In my initial digging I found the Drop-down values and was further confused that they would include everything but the button or ability to manually change the status in the drop down.

I will add the suggested filter and set it as a default while doing my best to add this to the list of suggestions for improvements to Project Accounting/Construction.

Hopefully, I can also figure out a simple customization to add the decline button to the interface because we exist in an area where the CRM module costs out weight what we might use it for.

Thank you for the quick feedback!

Hallo Can you confirm if it was an easy customization to open the project quote status options that are available on the drop down? We also have this request. I assume this is a workflow update.


I can confirm customizing workflows is fairly straight forward and there is a pretty good class on the Acumatica Open University.

However, with this screen it seems like the Convert to Quote state isn’t apart of the workflow and is rather coded to the prepared state. So my first attempt, while able to replace the submit with a different button came to a halt because I had steps created beyond the Prepared status. I was thinking Draft > Prepared > Sent > Accepted or Declined > Convert to Project, perhaps to ambitious.

So tonight I’ll try shuffling those states around and doing some creative renaming so that prepared can be the final state of an accepted quote and let you know if I have success.

After some more digging and effort. It seems 2023R1 doesn’t support any kind of workflows on the Project Screen, but I’ve been told that 2024R1 has introduced some, at least in area of approvals. So will likely push to move forward with that update in the coming months.

In the interim, I settled on using the customization to require the Owner & Expiration Date fields and then built default filters on the Project Quote Inquiry to limit initial visibility to only owned and unexpired quotes.

So, depending on your version the, answer may be a resounding no, workflows are not possible in Project Quotes. Which leaves me a bit grumpy with just how integral Project Quotes is to making Project Accounting viable and cleanly usable vs the state it’s delivered in.
