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I'm trying to add a Business Event to add a SO Line when a Payment Method is CC (Credit Card).

I have tried reading all online documentation, including a (to me) substandard video on the Acumatica learning portal itself, and other online video tutorials, but am not getting that info that I need to do this.  

I would appreciate if someone could walk through the steps, and give an example.  

I feel I am close, but can't get it to add the line.  In history it shows it running, but nothing is ever added.   I am sure I am missing something basic - like missing 1 step somewhere.   I wish the documentation was better.  It is pretty bare bones.

I code, and do customization, but have never used the Business Events feature and trying to learn. 

Appreciate any feedback.

I can post what I have done but I was really looking for a guide.  If there is a link that would be great but I have not found any links to do what I am asking, with any explanation.

Hi @RobertAllande95 

Could you kindly provide details on how you intend to insert a record in the Sales Order line? Are you looking to update or insert a Sales Order Line using a Business event? Additionally, what specific information are you aiming to transmit from the Sales Order line?.


Hi @RobertAllande95 ,

Have you created a subscriber, such as an import scenario, to add SOLine ? If you need to add SOLine through a business event under specific conditions, the business event will automatically trigger the attached subscriber (i.e., the import scenario) to add or update SOLine.

The link below provides an overview of business events and how they work:
Business Events: General Information (

Hi @RobertAllande95 ,

Have you created a subscriber, such as an import scenario, to add SOLine ? If you need to add SOLine through a business event under specific conditions, the business event will automatically trigger the attached subscriber (i.e., the import scenario) to add or update SOLine.

The link below provides an overview of business events and how they work:
Business Events: General Information (


Yes I have done the steps from Acumatica.  The system shows that it ran. But nothing happens.
I am not looking for a link to the Acumatica site, I am looking for a step by step help on setting this up.  There a couple of examples online but not for this situation so they are not helpful.   I was hoping someone has done this or something similar and could help at least point me in the right direction.

Thank you

Hi @RobertAllande95 

From previous experience with business events, I prefer running them off of automation schedules rather than a condition.

This makes it more robust and you can add the filtering conditions, e.g., Payment type is equal to credit card & when the line you are looking for the BE to add is not there, you can do this by InventoryID for example.

What you could also do is use an import scenario as @Dipak Nilkanth said.

One thing that I recommend is testing the import scenario first and running it on its own, then setting an automation schedule to run only that import scenario.

Another important part is that when a import scenario is run through an automation schedule, you should have another automation schedule which clears the previous data of the automation schedule.

I would also build a GI which the business event runs off so that you don’t receive unwanted outcomes, i.e., the import scenario running on SO’s that are not paid by CC.
