When Creating a new PO - Warehouse Defaulting to wrong location. How to Change this?
We recently updated our module. When generating purchase orders the warehouse location is auto defaulting to the wrong location. how would i mass change this to the correct location?
After reviewing Vendor profiles, we discovered the purchase settings for WAREHOUSE within the profile is blank. With that said we cannot figure out why it would default to the wrong location and why our data was deleted after the update.
Not sure if we will have to change this for each individual vendor one at a time or if a mass data dump possible.
thank you.
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If the Warehouse isn’t specified on the Vendor, it could be coming from the Item. Your VAR should be able to help you with an import scenario to do a mass update to all your vendors.
In the Sales Demo database, the AAVENDOR doesn’t have a default warehouse set:
Default Shipping Instructions / Warehouse is Empty
The AALEGO500 item has a default warehouse of WHOLESALE:
Default location is Wholesale warehouse
Thus, when I go to create a purchase order from this vendor for this item, it will pre-populate with the Wholesale warehouse:
If I use a different vendor with the default warehouse selected, then that would override the item specific warehouse.
It also could be coming from the User Profile.
user profile, interesting. Anyone have any more details on this?
Yes, we found the same “Quick fix” but more or less attempting to find why its defaulting to the wrong location if that field is blank. i would assume it would default to blank or ….
whats a VAR?
thank you.
VAR - Value Added Reseller a.k.a. your Acumatica Partner
On the User Profile Screen, a user can set their default warehouse as shown below:
The warehouse that the system uses by default when you transfer, issue, receive, or count inventory items by using forms of the automated warehouse operations, such as Scan and Issue (IN302020). This box is available only if the Multiple Warehouses feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.
Thank you, i was hoping this would be the resolve i was looking for. Unfortunately this was already pre-set to the correct location. It doesn't appear that this is the causer to my issue/concern.
VAR - Value Added Reseller a.k.a. your Acumatica Partner
On the User Profile Screen, a user can set their default warehouse as shown below:
The warehouse that the system uses by default when you transfer, issue, receive, or count inventory items by using forms of the automated warehouse operations, such as Scan and Issue (IN302020). This box is available only if the Multiple Warehouses feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.
Hi @PROTOFEF were you able to find a solution? Thank you!
No solution
@PROTOFEF do you have multiple branches enabled? What version of Acumatica are you on?
Yes, we found the same “Quick fix” but more or less attempting to find why its defaulting to the wrong location if that field is blank. i would assume it would default to blank or ….
whats a VAR?
thank you.
The way the community makes money. Acumatica is great Tech for VARS to mod. It is not a great ERP out of the box.
Thank you, i was hoping this would be the resolve i was looking for. Unfortunately this was already pre-set to the correct location. It doesn't appear that this is the causer to my issue/concern.
VAR - Value Added Reseller a.k.a. your Acumatica Partner
On the User Profile Screen, a user can set their default warehouse as shown below:
The warehouse that the system uses by default when you transfer, issue, receive, or count inventory items by using forms of the automated warehouse operations, such as Scan and Issue (IN302020). This box is available only if the Multiple Warehouses feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.