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       In our business, 1 Sales order would have more than 20 SO lines. In some cases, the salesman would put duplicated “inventory ID” in different solines by mistaken.

      I know, sorting by inventoryID and human check would be a good practice for them to detect the duplicated lines.
      However, as an IT staff, can I add more logics to remind them there are duplicated inventory id lines?
      Yes, using customization code would definitely achieve this need, however, I am poor of coding. So if you suggest coding, can you apply some code examples.

     I also prefer some without coding tricks, can business event or pop up note or something else achieve it? Note: it might not need to be real time reminder, which is reminding right after the line inputting, It can be accepted by overall checking, such as check only when saving the whole document.

   Thanks in advance.

@ray20 A business event with a notification could send an email or text to you, or the person who entered the order, or both! It would be after it’s entered, but immediately after a save the notification would be triggered

We have even used the Web Service API to send a Microsoft Teams message for this exact scenario!

The items needed for a business event are simple, an underlying Generic Inquiry with the data needed for the notification, and then a business event 

These are two helpful articles on business events from the help

@ray20 A business event with a notification could send an email or text to you, or the person who entered the order, or both! It would be after it’s entered, but immediately after a save the notification would be triggered

We have even used the Web Service API to send a Microsoft Teams message for this exact scenario!

The items needed for a business event are simple, an underlying Generic Inquiry with the data needed for the notification, and then a business event 

These are two helpful articles on business events from the help


Thank you ,Chris. Yes, it is a solution. But I am a little afraid that our staff are not quite paying attention to email. So they might missed the reminder. Can business event show something on the screen before they close the web page, or close the sales order document?

@ray20 a pop-up would require coding to my knowledge. Business Event delivery options would email or SMS. Maybe an instant Text message would work?

The API Push notification option works almost instantly and if the user is logged into teams, the notification/message does pop up on the user screen, though it is a Teams Notification.

@ray20 a pop-up would require coding to my knowledge. Business Event delivery options would email or SMS. Maybe an instant Text message would work?

The API Push notification option works almost instantly and if the user is logged into teams, the notification/message does pop up on the user screen, though it is a Teams Notification.

@ccleary Thank you ,I’ll study and have a try.
