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I am trying to troubleshoot an issue with the way the sales details panel displays:
In my screen below, I can clearly see a yellow icon and the quantity in red for items we will not be able to fulfill:

But not all my users can see it. I thought it was a security setting but even after I gave the other user the same roles I have, they still cannot see it.

I thought it was a resolution problem but again, no luck

Anyone knows how to make this warning show?

Please note that Sometimes when user changes the column configuration, this warning can be affected. Please test by below steps.

Step 1 = 1 Go to Sales order screen

Step 2 = 2 Click on the left top corner of the grid to open columns configuration


Step 3 = Click on reset to default values and save, then reload the screen



where there any other fixes? This did not work for me
