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How do I unlink this PO so that I can link a new PO to this sales order?


Hi @aoberlander 

Have you tried to uncheck the Mark for PO and PO linked boxes? I had a PO on this SO and unlinked it. 


Thanks @kandybeatty49 , but I need to be able to link another PO to the Sales Order. If I uncheck that box, then recheck it I still see the original PO as linked.

Thanks @kandybeatty49 , but I need to be able to link another PO to the Sales Order. If I uncheck that box, then recheck it I still see the original PO as linked.

What is the status of both the PO you want to unlink and the PO that you want to link?

Thanks @kandybeatty49 , but I need to be able to link another PO to the Sales Order. If I uncheck that box, then recheck it I still see the original PO as linked.

What is the status of both the PO you want to unlink and the PO that you want to link?

The PO I am going to link has not been created yet, but the PO that I want to unlink is still On Hold and has been fully received, but has been marked as Completed.




Hi @aoberlander 

If the PO was received against, you are not going to be able to unlink it. 
