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In the 2024-R1 I don't see the Total Cost field on the Purchase Receipt - Summary area. Is this a change with 2024-R1?

Please refer below screenshots. 

2023- R1




Thank you,



I don’t have a full answer, but can confirm the field is gone from the screen and from the Help documentation, in my un-customized local demo environment, compared to 2023 R2 un-customized local demo environment.

I searched 2024 Release notes documents:

  • AcumaticaERP_2024R1_ReleaseNotes_full.pdf
  • Release_Notes_for_Acumatica_24_101_0059.pdf
  • AcumaticaERP_2024R1ReleaseNote_for_Developers.pdf

and could not find documentation for removal of field POReceipt.CuryOrderTotal from the screen.


Hi @Laura02 ,

Thank you for your feedback. Yes, I went through the release notes. But the same result for me. We use this field for some purposes and are now stuck with the upgrade. I will get the support through support tucked. 

Thank you,


Hi @dsenevirathne54,

As per AC-215309 from file Acumatica ERP 2024 R1 Release Notes: Fixes and Enhancements, The Total Cost box has been removed from the Summary area of the Purchase Receipts  (PO302000) form for purchase receipts and purchase return documents.



Hi @Laura02 @dsenevirathne54,


I had the same problem. The field name is “CuryOrderTotal” that is missing. I also check my customization project and saw that the field is still there but is not showing on my screen. I went to check on the “POReceipt” DAC from acumatica and find the following:



#region CuryOrderTotal
public abstract class curyOrderTotal : PX.Data.IBqlField
protected Decimal? _CuryOrderTotal;

TPXDefault(TypeCode.Decimal, "0.0")]
"PXDBCurrency(typeof(POReceipt.curyInfoID), typeof(POReceipt.orderTotal))]
oPXUIField(DisplayName = "Total Cost", Visibility = PXUIVisibility.Invisible, Visible = false, Enabled = false)]
public virtual Decimal? CuryOrderTotal
        return this._CuryOrderTotal;
        this._CuryOrderTotal = value;


You can see that they made the visibility of this field false from the highlighted line of code.




How can I reactivate the Total Cost in Purchase Receipt.

Not sure why they disable this as it is helpful probably better to have a check box to disable it rather than completely.

The Purchase Receipt Line items even have the cost, why not remove that too?

Hi @Nelson Yip , @dsenevirathne54 

I have a solution to your problem.

Since the field was disabled and users can no longer see the Total Cost, I've found a workaround to reactivate the field.

You should consider extending the graph to add a new virtual field, leveraging the ROWSELECTED event. The use of the PXCurrency attribute allows the system to monitor the Order Total field. When there's a change in the currency selection, an event triggers the update of our new virtual field, ‘CuryOrderTotal’, ensuring it updates whenever the currency is changed.


Here is the code:

using PX.Data;
using PX.Objects.CM.Extensions;
using PX.Objects.PO;
using System;

namespace YourNameSpace
    //DAC Ext

    public class POReceiptExt : PXCacheExtension<PX.Objects.PO.POReceipt>
        #region CurryOrderTotal
        ePXUIField(DisplayName = "Total Cost", Enabled = false)]
        dPXCurrency(typeof(POReceipt.curyInfoID), typeof(POReceipt.orderTotal))]

        public virtual Decimal? CurryOrderTotal { get; set; }
        public abstract class curryOrderTotal : PX.Data.BQL.BqlDecimal.Field<curryOrderTotal> { }

    //Graph Ext

    public class POReceiptEntryExt : PXGraphExtension<POReceiptEntry>
        protected void POReceipt_RowSelected(PXCache cache, PXRowSelectedEventArgs e)
            var receipt = e.Row as POReceipt;
            if (receipt != null)
                cache.SetValueExt<POReceiptExt.curryOrderTotal>(receipt, receipt.CuryOrderTotal);





Thank you

Thank you all for your feedback. The field was available and invisible and we made it visible through a customization project. then the issue was sorted. 

What steps did you do to make it visible? 

Does anyone know the point of AC-215309 and removal of this field from the screen? We would like to avoid customizations, and many people are going to ask for this back. Also are there plans to remove this field as a whole from the DB table eventually? I’m wondering how this is an enhancement or fix.

Hello, I found an easier way to reactivate this issue.

Create a Project and edit existing Screen.

Replace Original code, validate and then publish.

[PXDefault(TypeCode.Decimal, "0.0")]
[PXDBCurrency(typeof(POReceipt.curyInfoID), typeof(POReceipt.orderTotal))]
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Total Cost", Visibility = PXUIVisibility.Invisible, Visible = true, Enabled = true)]


Good day All

We started picking up this and to add in the column is alot easier then expected.

Steps to add in the total cost again.

  1. Create a new customization
  2. Add in the PO302000 screen.
  3. Select the table and select the total cost form under forms.
  4. Select the attributes tab once you have selected the total cost column.

  5. Select Customize Attributes

  6. Select the … and select edit Attribute

  7. Navigate to the PXUIField attribute and set the visible to true

  8. Select ok , Save the attributes and Publish the customization and the total cost will be back on the purchase receipt.

This is without using any additional User defined fields or different calculations.

If anyone has question please let me know.

Thank you 


We use this function as well so the above customization is very helpful.

I had this working until last week when Acumatica did an anytime update.  Now, I receive this error when trying to publish:

