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Hello all,

I have been trying to setup integration between & Acumatica but upon testing the connection it shows the following:

How to resolve this?

Found the below info on website:

I tried to test the connection using the Staging Endpoint URL as highlighted above, but now it displays “Authentication failed” error message. I also found out that i needed to register for a developer account. So just waiting to get it started and again test the connection.

@Harry Hi I faced the same issue and confirmed a few things via and Acumatica Support - sharing here in case you are still having an issue:

  1. You don't need a developer account
  2. You want to use regardless of what environment you are in

If you are getting the message of “Authentication failed” this suggest the the username and password is in correct. I test by changing my credentials and got the same error. 


Like Harry said, i’m using the same url and no dev account. 
