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I’m not sure if I’m terming this correctly, and I’m also not sure if this is addressed in purchasing/receiving or if this is separate and is more of a kit consideration.

We are a service company.  The scenario is that we purchase an item from a supplier, but sell the items components as separate items in our system.  My thought would be to create a “reverse” kit that can be “assembled” to negate the purchased item and increase the component count, which is the opposite of the normal assembly process for non-stock kits.

For example;  We purchase a repair kit/item from a supplier, which contains a bolt and a bracket.  We will receive the item, however we want to stock the components as inventory.  We will then use/invoice either the bracket, or the bolt, or both, however those pieces will be invoiced as separate items.

Any thoughts on how to make this work in Acumatica 2022r2 (or beyond)?   

Hi @JSager76

Our Kit Processing solution might handle what you are looking to do.  


Do you have Production Order and BOM functionality?  You could use a Disassembly Production Order to disassemble the purchased kit and place those items in inventory.
