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 I created a report that print labels for items on purchase receipts. I want to have the ability to select one inventory item off of that PO receipt to be reprinted. I added a parameter for InventoryID from the POReceiptLine.Inventory ID field. However, when I open the dialog window, the system shows all the items in the system and not just the items on that Purchase Receipt. I would like to filter the Inventory ID field to just the items on the Purchase Receipt. Is it possible without customization? 




Did you compare your report Parameters to similar parameters used in standard Acumatica Reports?  Here is an example using Receivables → Printed Forms → Invoice/Memo Report. In Invoice/Memo report, we first choose Document Type and then Reference Number lookup reflects only reference numbers that match the document type we selected:


I hope this example helps you.




In addition to above example, here is some additional information from an Acumatica post by Irina.



Hi @etrojan28 , you may try adding conditions to VisibleExpr on Details section as shown below:


@Laura02 Thank you for the reply. 

Below, is how I have the parameters setup. The POReceiptLine.InventoryID is dependent on the ReceiptNbr. However, when I run the report the parameter for InventoryID shows all items in the system not just the items on the PO Receipt which is selected above it on the report.  Something I’m missing? This is where I’m having the issue. 



The feedback from support is that this is not possible. Not all data fields can be made to depend on another. If the Report.GetFieldSchema did not work as expected when specifying a dependent data field, that indicates that it is not possible to make that particular data field dependent on the other.

