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Preventing direct purchase receipts

  • 11 February 2022
  • 8 replies


We have very strict controls in place around purchasing, and have realised that users can receipt lines that do not come from a PO (direct purchase receipts).  How do we prevent this, is there a switch that we can switch off to prevent it, or is our only option to remove the “+” off the line using roles?

8 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +16

Hi @MarciaW 

The only way to prevent this is under user security. You would need to go in the Access Rights by Role and change the below rights.


Userlevel 4

Thanks - that’s surprising and a bit disappointing.  It creates a real gap in the control over purchases for this to be the standard system setup.

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hi @MarciaW 

You may also post this requirement on our ideas page as a feature request. (


Userlevel 4

Hi @MarciaW 

You may also post this requirement on our ideas page as a feature request. (


Thank you!!! I will do that.

Userlevel 4

Hi @MarciaW 

You may also post this requirement on our ideas page as a feature request. (


How do I get access to do that?  



Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hi @MarciaW 

You need to be registered at as a customer or partner for access to the Ideas and Knowledge Base. 

Userlevel 4

We tried this and it’s worked partly :-)

I did this:

And it did this

But now I still need to solve this

I tried setting “Details” to “Edit” and that didn’t work.  Any other ideas?

Userlevel 5

Hi @MarciaW ,

I too have not been able to get User Access to disable the (+) button without impacting the Add PO Line button. 

The only way which seems to work is a customisation toggle - relatively simple, but it does mean that all users are affected. See here:

