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Prepopulate Sales Order Contact when emailing Sales Order?

  • 16 April 2022
  • 5 replies

When I go to “Print Sales Order”, and then go to the Email option to choose a contact for the To: address, the default is to search the global list of contacts. Shouldn’t the chosen Contact for the Sales Order be pre-populated? And also, shouldn’t the short list be the Contacts attached to that Customer, as opposed to searching the entire Contact database?

Hi @rosenjon 


yes, it should pull only from that customer record. You can change it as well. 

It doesn’t seem to do that. Maybe there is something missing from my setup? I changed my Sales Order contact to not use the owner field, but rather the Contact info. Perhaps it’s still trying to pull from the Owner record?

Hi @rosenjon 

Can you share screen shots of what you are doing? 

If you mean from the report viewer, clicking the send option it uses the shipping contact email by default(this can be changed in the sales order report configuration). And it does not filter the contacts by customer. I would agree that it should but it unfortunately doesn’t. 

Thanks @markusray17 , this shipping contact is the correct answer. And yeah….someone should make it default behavior to only show the contacts attached to that customer, with a checkbox option to search the whole database.
