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Prepare Replenishment processed items not on Create Purchase Orders screen

  • 29 August 2021
  • 4 replies

Hey everyone,  need a little sanity check here.  Everything I’ve read, watched, etc. makes me sure that the Automated Replenishment process consist of starting with the Prepare Replenishment screen (IN508000), where we check items that have ‘Purchase’ as their replenishment source and a default vendor and ‘process’ them.  Then they should show up on the Create Purchase Orders screen (PO505000) where we can create the POs.


Yet, on our Live site (2020 R1 Build 20.118.0007), only occasionally does one of the items show on the Create Purchase Orders screen and on two test sites (2020 R1 Build 20.109.0032) and (2021 R1 Build 21.108.0032) they don’t show up at all.  On the Prepare Replenishment screen, they get values in the Qty. Planned column. 


If they are not on the Create Purchase Orders screen, where are all of those Qty. Planned items or documents?  Is there some setting that we’re missing, because we’ve gone over the end user and partner docs checklist multiple times, or do we have a major issue?  I’ve unpublished customizations to no effect.


Thanks for any help as always!


See the screenshots: 


Hey Noah,

On the Prepare Replenishment screen if there is quantity in the Qty. Replaned field, the line has been processed to either the Create Purchase Orders screen or the Create Transfer Orders screen

Check the Create Transfer Orders screen (SO509000) to see if any of the missing lines are there.

If so, one thing to check is the item’s Stock Items screen (IN202500) > Warehouse Details tab. If the Replenishment Source Warehouse is filled in, then that item gets processed to the Create Transfer Orders screen.

To resolve the issue, remove the warehouse from the Replenishment Source Warehouse field.

I hope this helps!

Best, Hannah

You’re a genius Hanna!  Many of our Stock Items had a Replenishment source of ‘Purchase’ and also a Replenishment Warehouse of the same warehouse.  Meaning, under Item Warehouse Details, Warehouse ‘A’ had replenishment warehouse of ‘A’.  It must have happened during import that it defaulted to that warehouse.


Thank you very very much!  This was driving me crazy! :) 


Now, anyway to delete a Replenishment Warehouse using a Import Scenario?  All attempts I’ve made so far give me the error “Replenishment Warehouse cannot be found in the system”  It’s might be the same ‘check’ that made it default to a warehouse initially.  Thanks again!

Hello! Piggy backing on this post’s issue. In 21 R1 on the Prepare Replenishment screen, when a user updates the Replenishment Source on a line FROM transfer TO purchase, the source warehouse does not get cleared out. Because of this, the user processes thinking the line will show on prepare purchase orders but it actually shows on create transfers. Is this a bug that the warehouse doesnt get cleared out when changing the source on the screen? If so, what version/build does this get resolved in? I didn’t see anything on the known issues page related to this issue. Thanks!

How about the help files get changed to look at the Prepare Purchase Orders screen as a start instead of the misleading verbiage in help.
