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Inventory Stock Status Report

I’m trying to create a Generic Inquiry in Acumatica for a inventory stock status report. One of the requirements of this report is to show the 12 month rolling avg of the quantity sold for each item. Is there a way to do this in Acumatica? We just need to see the 12mo average quantity sold. I do not see any fields that would provide this information. 

Did you ever get an answer to this? My VAR can’t find the easy option either.

Try attached GI.

I would suggest that you can create a raw data with GI , then using pivot table to group as column for that. 

You should be able to just create a GI for ARTran and group it by inventory item and filter for dates within the last 12 months then use the AVG aggregate function on  the quantity. You may want to add a condition for released transactions only.


If you are trying to include this in another generic inquiry(and don’t want to group everything by inventory item) you could add it as a side panel. As far as I know Acumatica does not support nested GIs so outside of creating a custom table and populating it with the necessary statistics that would be your best option. 

Try attached GI.

Hey @kristianharianja . I notice that you use group by in your GI. However, there’s no aggregate function in use. As @markusray17 suggested, I think we want to use AVG for ARTran.Qty row. Or perhaps I’m missing something?


