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How to mass allocate inventory?

  • 6 October 2022
  • 5 replies

If I have an order for 3 items and I have no stock on hand (non-manufactured items), I still want to allocate those items after a PO is received. How can I allocate the stock such as a mass allocation in Acumatica? I know I can go to each order but if there are many, how can that be done? Looking for any suggestions on experiences or work arounds. 


Hi @kbeatty21 


There is no process to automatically “allocate” stock to orders.  It would be great if there was

See below KB article 


Hi @kbeatty21 


There is no process to automatically “allocate” stock to orders.  It would be great if there was

See below KB article 


Thanks @manikantad18  That’s what I am looking for is either an automatic allocation or mass update. 

Hi @kbeatty21 , there is a configuration in the Order Type to require stock allocation.  This will do the initial automatic allocation to the sales order.  However, backorders aren’t covered by this setting. 

Backorder/Allocation Management is a hot topic.  I have conducted user/partner interviews on the subject and we have prioritized this in our product backlog.

Many have visited this Community Post - there is an interesting discussion going on here. 


Hi @kbeatty21 , there is a configuration in the Order Type to require stock allocation.  This will do the initial automatic allocation to the sales order.  However, backorders aren’t covered by this setting. 

Backorder/Allocation Management is a hot topic.  I have conducted user/partner interviews on the subject and we have prioritized this in our product backlog.

Many have visited this Community Post - there is an interesting discussion going on here. 


HI @Dana Moffat  Thank you for this. Maybe a future consideration for Acumatica?

Hi @kbeatty21 , yes this is something that is being considered.  We have been gathering requirements and have spoken to community members as well as partners about this topic.  We definitely want to get this into the product as soon as we can.  - Dana
