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How to default sales/cogs account and sub based on reason codes

The client needs to have COGS account on a warranty sales order default to a different account.  However, entering a reason code on the sales order line does not change the account/sub on the line.


Hi @dgodsill97  

Is the client using the warranty as a line item?

No, the client sells parts and the same part could be sold for free because it is under warranty.  When sold for warranty, the expense needs to go to a different COGS account/subaccount. 

Hi @dgodsill97  I just checked in the Sales Order Line level. This is based on how you configure POSTING SETTINGS at the Order Types screen.

By default, it will be a Inventory Item for the “Use Sales Account” field, if you select this field to  “Reason Code” then SO Line level, it will change the Accounts, based on the reason code.

 Please find the screenshot for reference.


The problem with that is every line must have a reason code.

@dgodsill97 - There is a github project that allows you to default a reason code by order type. I would definitely test in a sandbox for any compatibility issues but it should help in this use case.


Thanks.  The client have one of the subaccount segments as the product line and that needs to be specified for warranty orders.  An order can have multiple lines for multiple product lines.  A customization is being developed to populate the reason codes based on the serial number of the unit.

We have this customization installed, and it works well.  Our Sales GL posting is perfect, with a 4-segment subaccount. The first segment pulls from the Department for the Sales subaccount. But how do you force the COGS entry on the inventory issue to match the sales subaccount?  The “Copy COGS Sub. from Sales” checkbox on the Posting Classes screen doesn’t seem to have any effect, other than to copy the Sales subaccount within the Posting Classes screen. 

Create a Reason Code of the ISSUE type and in the Account field specify the Account - not the Sales Account field.  The enter the reason code on the sales order line and it will pull the COGS account from the Reason Code when it does the Inventory Issue.

I should’ve mentioned we have a reason code of the ISSUE type for each of our order types.  Our subaccount mask is Department-Warehouse-Channel, where the reason codes are driving the “Channel” segment and working well.  The Dept segment comes from the Employee record, which we set in the Order Type screen’s “Combine Sales Sub From” screen:


Where EEEEE pulls nicely from the Employee’s Financial tab settings.  But we can’t set COGS at the reason code level; otherwise we would need a reason code and matching order type for every possible combination of the two (it would be hundreds). 


Thanks for any feedback. 

You have to put the Reason Code on the sales order line to affect the inventory issue. Is the customization populating the reason code for each line?

Yes, the reason code is populating correctly on each sales order line.  BTW, the Reason Code setup looks like this, and is working great on the sales side of the posting.  


However, the COGS posting is leaving the first segment as 00000, where the sales sub is combining correctly (by pulling in the department from the Employee (i.e. the EEEEE on the Order Type’s “Combine Sales Sub from” section in the first screenshot.  Thanks for any ideas!

that would appear to require a change to the Github package I guess.
