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How do I keep Payment Ref. field available when creating a Quick Check?


Best answer by Kandy Beatty

Hi @lmayse38 

Out of the box Acumatica automatically closes that when you create a Quick Check/ Cash Purchase (in the newer versions)

You would need to customize this to open the field.


You could always use the Description field if needed. 

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Kandy Beatty
Captain II

Hi @lmayse38 

Out of the box Acumatica automatically closes that when you create a Quick Check/ Cash Purchase (in the newer versions)

You would need to customize this to open the field.


You could always use the Description field if needed. 

  • Freshman I
  • July 26, 2023

Thank you, Kandy.

However, in the Quick Check instructions below it seems like it should default to being a usable field.



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