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How can I see non-replenishment items on sales orders that I need to order?  Here is my issue.  We often have a salesperson put an item on a sales order, and we  have zero of that item in stock (and zero on order).  The item does not have a replenishment set for it.  AND the sales person does not mark the item for “Purchase Order”.  How can I prepare a Puchase Order and have this item show up on the Purchase Order?  Or how can I “see” this item so i know to put it on a purchase order?  Thank you in advance for any help you can give to me. 

HI @dougmcbride79 

Here is a GI that may help, you can put it in Data Views or you can use it to add to your SO one. 

I opened up the GI so that you can see what items are checked as MRP. This may give you a start of what you are looking for. 
