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How do I add a Discount to a document (or line) that removes 15 cents per UNIT sold if the quantity sold is greater than 500 units? 


Essentially, this discount will decrease the UNIT PRICE by 15 cents on every line for this customer. I can’t use percentage because the unit prices vary. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Hello @Michael Hansen ,

I recommend using Customer Price Classes with Sales Price or Sales Price Worksheet. Export the Inventory List that offers volume discounts.  (You could also create pricing for just the ONE customer.)

Work in Excel to subtract $0.15 from price on every item. Import the pending prices back into the Sales Price Worksheet, and release.

Add customers to the new Price Class. When they purchase 500 or more, the lower price will automatically be updated to the Sales Orders.


@Laura02 - Thank you for your raply! The issue with this is that it’s not a discount now, it’s a price. I need to be able to quickly track the discount. I want to KNOW when looking at the order, that the price has been decreased. Does anyone know how we might be able to acocmplish this?

HI @Michael Hansen 

You can configure discount codes based on the line. 

  • Line: These discounts apply to a document line. Line-level discounts may be based on the line amount or quantity of the line, and they can be expressed as percentages or fixed amounts. Line-level discounts can be applied to the unit price of an item or the extended price of the item (line amount), depending on the Line Discount Basis box value selected on the Pricing tab of the Accounts Receivable Preferences (AR101000) form.

Then you would create the Discount:


Here is the help for that as well:

@kandybeatty49 - Thank you for your reply! Unfortnately, I do not need an amount OR a percentage, I need to discount the UNIT PRICE. For example, if a customer orders 500 units, the unit price gets DISCOUNTED (and needs tracked as such) by 10-cents. A fixed amount and a percentage won’t work here. Is this a missing feature I need to request? 

Again, I need a DISCOUNT (not a new price, the vendors want to see the discount) based on the UNIT PRICE, not a percentage and not a fixed amount. This feels doable, I can see the discount unit price on a sales order line, but I can’t access or change it and no discount that I have found is able to work directly with the unit price.


@kandybeatty49 - Thank you for your reply! Unfortnately, I do not need an amount OR a percentage, I need to discount the UNIT PRICE. For example, if a customer orders 500 units, the unit price gets DISCOUNTED (and needs tracked as such) by 10-cents. A fixed amount and a percentage won’t work here. Is this a missing feature I need to request? 

Again, I need a DISCOUNT (not a new price, the vendors want to see the discount) based on the UNIT PRICE, not a percentage and not a fixed amount. This feels doable, I can see the discount unit price on a sales order line, but I can’t access or change it and no discount that I have found is able to work directly with the unit price.


I think you would need a customization or create a product idea. I’ve never had it discount the Unit Price. It always does the Ext. Price. 

I thought as much, I was going to try some ninja code if I have to use price worksheets to try and drag in the price without a break-point, then check it against the current price and display the differences. Terrible work-around, but it’s what I’m thinking at the moment for a band-aid while I find a real solution.


THANK YOU EVERYONE! Your help has been greatly appreciated here!


Idea created: 

