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field name not exists in the DAC code

Hi every one. I added new field UsrETA to PO screen but in Project Code it not exists.

can i miss a step?

Thank you so much.

4 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +3

Hi @thanhaim in the past I’ve had to make sure I selected the new field and published a second time. Hope this works:


Userlevel 6
Badge +5

The custom field would be on a Cache Extension not the base DAC. If you used the customization editor to create the field you will likely want to move the Code object it created(likely a POOrderExt Cache Extension) to your extension library(since your screenshot appears to be from visual studio) and then access the field through that Cache Extension class(POOrderExt.UsrETA).

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Why do you have “.” In your field name in your screenshots?

also DAC Extensions are accessed like below for example for OOOrder View

YourDACExt docExt = Base.Document.Current.GetExt<YourDACExt>();


I suggest you take the T series course before doing Code Based Customizations.

Userlevel 3

Thank all very much. Have a good day.
