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Drop not working for No Update AR document type

  • 4 January 2024
  • 4 replies

Drop is not working for the sales order type with AR document type is no update. Is there any particular reason why its not working

Can you explain more on what you mean by Drop? Can you give me the screen you are referring to


@dcomerford I’m trying to create a dropship PO order. In that sales order type I have AR documents type as No Update. If AR document type is No Update in the sales order system is not allowing to create drop ship PO order.


Hi @ranjithduraisamy72 were you able to find a solution? Thank you!

@ranjithduraisamy72 The AR Document Type of No Update means no invoice would be produced so it would make sense not to allow Drop Ships as these items go direct from the Vendor to the Customer and dont get receipted in to Inventory so the only way to clear the receipt entry is to invoice the customer.
