We are trying to combine shipments for a specific customer. Have a job scheduled to run weekly to Create Shipments. Trying to create them to ship a few days from when the job runs for anything scheduled to ship within the next week and a half. This screenshot is from 5/15, to help understand the relative dates:

Location, ship via, use customer’s account are all the same across 3 orders, and the order line ship on dates are before 5/25. SO Order Type ship separately is unchecked, and it’s unchecked for each order. We ended up with 3 shipments, each with a different ship date. It looks like instead of combining the shipments into one on the date specified as Shipment Date in the automation, it is using the SO Order Line Ship On date and making separate shipments. Is this correct behavior? Does anyone know of a way to automate combining shipments with different ship on dates within a window?