I am trying to add the Cash Accounts Profile to a new role.
I copied the AP Admin role to a new role. In the Access by Role, I granted the Banking menu
I login as a user with this role
I click on Cash Account option and I see the cash accounts in screen CA2020PL. So far so good
However, when I click on the cash account I get the message:
Cannot open record for editing. The form CA202000 does not contain it
I can’t figure out what I am missing.
We do not have branches, one single company
Your help is appreciated
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I am going to answer your question with more questions.
With the current role that gives an error when clicking the cash account, does the same error appear on every cash account, or only one cash account?
Have you ruled out if anything other than the new role could be the cause? : If you take the user out of the new role and place them in a ‘canned role’ such as CA Admin, or Administrator instead of the new role, does the same cash account appear on screen for the same user?
After seeing the error, click on Tools, Trace and see if you can find any other error messages.
I’ve seen “Cannot open Record - the form does not contain it” message before, but not in Cash Accounts.
I saw it before in Employee Settings in Payroll after deleting a Pay Group that was in use on the employees we were trying to view.
I’m wondering if anything was deleted in your system, related to cash accounts.
Thank you Laura.
Here are the answers to your questions. Thanks in advance for your help
With the current role that gives an error when clicking the cash account, does the same error appear on every cash account, or only one cash account?
We only 2 accounts and yes, the error shows on both
Have you ruled out if anything other than the new role could be the cause? : If you take the user out of the new role and place them in a ‘canned role’ such as CA Admin, or Administrator instead of the new role, does the same cash account appear on screen for the same user?
With CA Admin = Yes, the Cash Accounts show up but still get the error when I click on them to edit
I get the same error if I assign the account to the Admin role
After seeing the error, click on Tools, Trace and see if you can find any other error messages.
I’ve seen “Cannot open Record - the form does not contain it” message before, but not in Cash Accounts.
I saw it before in Employee Settings in Payroll after deleting a Pay Group that was in use on the employees we were trying to view.
I’m wondering if anything was deleted in your system, related to cash accounts.
When you tested above, you removed the user from the ‘new role’ and the error happened when they were in Administrator? If they were in 2 roles with the above test, the new problem role and CA Admin, please try removing the new role from the User.
Can other users click and open the same cash accounts successfully?
If others can open the account successfully, compare the roles the other users are in to this ‘problem user’. You may need to open two Access by Role screens side by side, in order to compare in detail. Perhaps post a screen shot of the new role’s Access by Role screen showing expanded Banking, Cash accounts area.
Thanks for the quick reply:
This is what I have
In my demo, I copied AP Admin role to CA-AP Admin, and then granted CA-AP Admin role rights in Banking module. I compared the rights on Cash Accounts screen to your sample above and they match.
Then I created a brand new user and I placed the new user in only one role, CA-AP Admin. Then I logged in as this new user who is in only one role and I am able to open Cash Accounts: no problem, no error.
I am testing in 2022 R1, Build 22.108.0024 . I think you may need an Acumatica ticket, because Role issues usually result in no ability to open the screen, not an error.
I have one more idea before someone else needs to answer, or you’ll need an Acumatica ticket.
Is your user in other roles? If so the user may have a role conflict. By ‘conflict’ I mean this: one rule allows access, another denies. Usually with a conflict the user is simply denied access to the screen - the more restrictive role wins (unless the user is also an administrator, I think).
To see the computation of combined roles & access rights for the Cash Accounts screen, use Access Rights by User. Expand Banking, click on Cash Accounts. Click View Roles. Maybe you will see a problem or what you see will spark ideas.
Hi @olieves
With new user role, can you check if user can view the GL account linked to the Cash account on Chart of account screen?
Are you using any restriction groups for GL account access? I am trying to determine if user has access to the GL account linked to the Cash account as well.
Second point is, check what branch the GL account is assigned to. If branch has an access role assigned, ensure the user has that branch access role assigned.
That’s what it was!
After I added the user id to the GL Account Access I was able to get into the cash account.