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Cannot add a warehouse to a stock item

  • 24 August 2022
  • 8 replies

Suddenly we cannot add a warehouse to a stock item.

No errors, just no ability to save as is it grayed out.

I thought is was possibly related to a customization.  However, I have tested against multiple unrelated instances with the same results.

Has there been a windows update or something causing problems?

8 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +16

Hi @ltussing03 

Can you share a screenshot of what you are seeing?

Userlevel 6
Badge +6

  “+” is grayed out so we have to go to add warehouse detail.  On that screen, “Save” is grayed out so we cannot hit save.

Badge +18

Hi, Have the settings in Enable/Disable features been adjusted recently?  Please check to see if Multiple Warehouses is turned on.

Hmmm - I found another tenant in the same condition as your post - and it has Multiple warehouses turned ON, so it’s not enable/disable.  I don’t think it’s access rights because I’m administrator. Still looking…

Update:  Maybe this isn’t an answer, but more of a work-around. When I clicked Add Warehouse Detail, and in Warehouse Detail I clicked ‘Override Manager’ then I was able to save the new warehouse record to the Stock Item. It seems like I have to make some change besides entering the Item and Warehouse - click any checkbox, or modify any 3rd field, and then Save button is available. I’m testing in 2022 R1, Build 22.105.0031. Hope this helps you.


Userlevel 6
Badge +6


Yes this does make the save button ungray itself.

We don’t have product managers and have never had to do this before.

THANK YOU for the work around.

I have a support case open and still suspect an issue with a Windows update or something since this affecting multiple unrelated URLs and instances.


Userlevel 7
Badge +16

Hi @ltussing03 

For this, you can select ADD Warehouse Detail on the bar:


Then choose the new warehouse, and I usually have to select and then unselect a checkbox. Then you will be able to save:



This is from my local version. I have no customizations either. I believe this is standard functionality. 

Userlevel 6
Badge +6

Yes it appears so.

Thanks for confirming.

I am unsure why they have the “+”  button available since it isn’t active.

Thanks again for confirming!

Userlevel 7
Badge +16

Yes it appears so.

Thanks for confirming.

I am unsure why they have the “+”  button available since it isn’t active.

Thanks again for confirming!

I agree, unsure why it is there if there is no functionality to it. 

Userlevel 1

Hi, Have the settings in Enable/Disable features been adjusted recently?  Please check to see if Multiple Warehouses is turned on.

Hmmm - I found another tenant in the same condition as your post - and it has Multiple warehouses turned ON, so it’s not enable/disable.  I don’t think it’s access rights because I’m administrator. Still looking…

Update:  Maybe this isn’t an answer, but more of a work-around. When I clicked Add Warehouse Detail, and in Warehouse Detail I clicked ‘Override Manager’ then I was able to save the new warehouse record to the Stock Item. It seems like I have to make some change besides entering the Item and Warehouse - click any checkbox, or modify any 3rd field, and then Save button is available. I’m testing in 2022 R1, Build 22.105.0031. Hope this helps you.


The Item Warehouse Details Work-Around works great! Thanks for sharing!
