Suddenly we cannot add a warehouse to a stock item.
No errors, just no ability to save as is it grayed out.
I thought is was possibly related to a customization. However, I have tested against multiple unrelated instances with the same results.
Has there been a windows update or something causing problems?
Best answer by Laura02
Hi, Have the settings in Enable/Disable features been adjusted recently? Please check to see if Multiple Warehouses is turned on.
Hmmm - I found another tenant in the same condition as your post - and it has Multiple warehouses turned ON, so it’s not enable/disable. I don’t think it’s access rights because I’m administrator. Still looking…
Update: Maybe this isn’t an answer, but more of a work-around. When I clicked Add Warehouse Detail, and in Warehouse Detail I clicked ‘Override Manager’ then I was able to save the new warehouse record to the Stock Item. It seems like I have to make some change besides entering the Item and Warehouse - click any checkbox, or modify any 3rd field, and then Save button is available. I’m testing in 2022 R1, Build 22.105.0031. Hope this helps you.
Hi, Have the settings in Enable/Disable features been adjusted recently? Please check to see if Multiple Warehouses is turned on.
Hmmm - I found another tenant in the same condition as your post - and it has Multiple warehouses turned ON, so it’s not enable/disable. I don’t think it’s access rights because I’m administrator. Still looking…
Update: Maybe this isn’t an answer, but more of a work-around. When I clicked Add Warehouse Detail, and in Warehouse Detail I clicked ‘Override Manager’ then I was able to save the new warehouse record to the Stock Item. It seems like I have to make some change besides entering the Item and Warehouse - click any checkbox, or modify any 3rd field, and then Save button is available. I’m testing in 2022 R1, Build 22.105.0031. Hope this helps you.
Hi, Have the settings in Enable/Disable features been adjusted recently? Please check to see if Multiple Warehouses is turned on.
Hmmm - I found another tenant in the same condition as your post - and it has Multiple warehouses turned ON, so it’s not enable/disable. I don’t think it’s access rights because I’m administrator. Still looking…
Update: Maybe this isn’t an answer, but more of a work-around. When I clicked Add Warehouse Detail, and in Warehouse Detail I clicked ‘Override Manager’ then I was able to save the new warehouse record to the Stock Item. It seems like I have to make some change besides entering the Item and Warehouse - click any checkbox, or modify any 3rd field, and then Save button is available. I’m testing in 2022 R1, Build 22.105.0031. Hope this helps you.
The Item Warehouse Details Work-Around works great! Thanks for sharing!
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