Every Purchase Order requires a Vendor. Every Item has a Vendor attached to it. How do I tell a PO to only allow line items who are set for the vendor on the PO?
Example: I am buying from Bob on a PO, but Acumatica lets me try to buy an item that is only sold by Frank. If a PO is for Bob, why can’t the item selector only show me items buyable from Bob? I don’t care about the things I can buy from Frank. This would also help ensure that the vendors are attached properly (like Bob sells Milk, but I don’t see Milk on my list, so I know something is off on the item). Hopefully this is a toggle somewhere I’m missing.
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Hi @Michael Hansen Please use the “ADD ITEM” button which opens “Inventory Lookup” popup.
The Check box “Only Vendor Items” will enable the user to only look into the Vendor’s Items, select the required item to be replenished, and add to the PO.
Kindly verify and confirm.
That’s handy, but can this be enabled on the screen itself, rather than a pop-up window? I’d like to have this applied globally so no one can order items unless they’re set for the vendor on the PO.
Hi @Michael Hansen Please try to disable the Option “+” that adds new line with Access Control. And provide instructions to user to use only the “ADD ITEM” options on the popup. Hope this will provide you the expected functionality without any customizations.
I do appreciate the advice, but my users just double click the space at the bottom of the PO screen to add a line. We really don’t want to make the job slower by having them access a pop-up window (the idea is to make things faster with this change). Can we not set a global filter that PO’s can’t hold items that they’re not supposed to hold?
Did you ever find a good solution for this? I have the same need.
Did you ever find a good solution for this? I have the same need.
Hi @Jacob
I posted on your thread. Hope it helps.
Thanks @kbeatty21, but that’s a different issue. For this one, if I’m creating a purchase order to order shoes from Nike, I don’t want the user to be able to put Adidas shoes on it. But I also don’t want to prevent that user from later creating an Adidas PO full of Adidas shoes.
The Add Items dialog does the filtering already, was just hoping that there was additional validation on grid entry or sheet upload.
Thanks for your help!
Thanks @kbeatty21, but that’s a different issue. For this one, if I’m creating a purchase order to order shoes from Nike, I don’t want the user to be able to put Adidas shoes on it. But I also don’t want to prevent that user from later creating an Adidas PO full of Adidas shoes.
The Add Items dialog does the filtering already, was just hoping that there was additional validation on grid entry or sheet upload.
Thanks for your help!
Hi @Jacob
For this issue, you can create vendor inventory. It will allow you to restrict what vendors can have items ordered.
I’m still new to Acumatica, so I may be naive here, but I don’t think that does it either:
Vendor Inventory configured on the left, PO with a different item on the right.
Also, the documentation for vendor inventory says “In addition, based on purchases of items from the vendor, the system may automatically add items to the vendor catalog (if they were not already listed for the vendor) “. Would love an option to make this not happen.
Hi @kbeatty21,
I’m still new to Acumatica, so I may be naive here, but I don’t think that does it either:
Vendor Inventory configured on the left, PO with a different item on the right.
Also, the documentation for vendor inventory says “In addition, based on purchases of items from the vendor, the system may automatically add items to the vendor catalog (if they were not already listed for the vendor) “. Would love an option to make this not happen.
That would require a customization then.
@Jacob It 100% took a customization for my company to get this done. You’d think it’d be a bit more native, but it isn’t sadly. My buyer is much happier now though since we work with a ton of vendors for procurement.
@Jacob@Michael Hansen If you post an idea, I’ll up-vote it!