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Blanket Sales Orders Document Discount

  • 20 December 2022
  • 5 replies


i have seen that discounts in blanket order are only possible on row level. Is it planned in the future that discounts in the blanket order are also possible for the whole document?

The background is that our customers have a lot of lines in the blanket orders and it is very cumbersome to enter a discount for each line. Is there possibly a workaround for this?

HI @AnastasiaSchroeder88 

Have you entered this as an idea for a future release for Acumatica? They may consider it. 


It will be amazing if this topic entered in a future release. It does not seem to be currently covered as functionality.


It will be amazing if this topic entered in a future release. It does not seem to be currently covered as functionality.

I think it should be considered as there is a need for it. Do you know how to enter ideas for future releases?


Not really. Could you explain what is involved and send me the link where I can enter it?

HI @AnastasiaSchroeder88 

Sure, on the home page, click Product Ideas:

Then click Create Idea:

This is also where you can upvote other ideas and see if maybe your idea is already there for future consideration. 
