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A dropdown input popup when add item

  • 21 January 2021
  • 10 replies

Hi Everyone,


  We just upgraded our Acumatica from 2019r1 to 2020r2 this week. I find a new thing when I add  items to order. A dropdown input always follows the last item. Does anyone know what it is used for?  



Hi @larryly ,


This is not expected and likely caused by style sheets/scripts from 2019R1 that are still cached by your browser. I suggest trying to clear your browser cache and reloading the page again; I am pretty sure it will resolve the issue.


If you need help clearing your browser cache, I suggest this article.

@Gabriel Michaud 

Thank you for your suggestion. I cleared my browser a few times and even cleared everything listed in the clear option. But the dropdown input still shows up.  I don’t know Acumatica how to upgrade their software. Maybe it’s caused by CSS as you said, but I think it’s on the server end. I tried a different browser that never logs into Acumatica. It still has this dropdown input.  

@larryly strange... are they using a custom Acumatica UI theme? 

@Gabriel Michaud  Nope. We use default official UI.

Hi @larryly 

We have also upgraded to 20R2 from 20R1 but we have never seen this issue.  When we inspect that dropdown field, is it showing any customization field name?


@Naveen B   It’s an empty dropdown list in our production environment. But in our training the dropdown looks like below. So I guess some CSS styles are not working well after the upgrade. It should be under PO Source.  


@larryly Yeah!! might be. But this is weird.

@Naveen B   I know. It’s weird. I guess it’s because we jumped over two major versions, 2019R1 to 2020R2 have too many changes. Some data may conflict in those changes.  Will ask our partner to fix it. 

@larryly do you have any custom themes or customizations with JavaScript or CSS?

@samvellaHBl7QVBU6C6KqXsC79Q    Nope. We didn’t change any javascript and css. 
