Here’s what I’m doing now in SOAP to Record a CC payment:
var pymtSchema = _context.AR302000GetSchema();
var commands = new List<Command>();
commands.Add(new Value { Value = "Payment", LinkedCommand = pymtSchema.PaymentSummary.Type });
commands.Add(new Value { Value = paymentRefNbr, LinkedCommand = pymtSchema.PaymentSummary.ReferenceNbr });
commands.Add(new Value { Value = bt_transactiontoken, LinkedCommand = pymtSchema.PaymentSummary.PaymentRef });
commands.Add(new Value { Value = bt_transactiontoken, LinkedCommand = pymtSchema.RecordCCPaymentCCPaymentData.PCTranNumber });
commands.Add(new Value { Value = "OK", LinkedCommand = pymtSchema.PaymentSummary.ServiceCommands.DialogAnswer, Commit = true });
var pymtResults = _context.AR302000Submit(commands.ToArray());
How do I do this with the REST API?