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For General: SOAP has GeneralPrimaryContact, GeneralAccountInfo, GeneralAccountAddress, GeneralAccountInfoPhoneType1, GeneralAdditionalAccountInfoPhone1Type, GeneralAdditionalAccountInfoExtRefNbr

For Billing: SOAP has BillingBillToInfo, BillingBillToAddress

For Shipping: SOAP has ShippingShipToInfo, ShippingShipToAddress

Where are these in REST?  Do I need to $expand something to have access?  What are the names?

Also, what the difference between a MainContact and PrimaryContact?

Hi @bpgraves ,

To get the contact, address, billing, and shipping details, you need to use expand. Also, use filters to specify conditions like CustomerID, CustomerName or other fields.


Please see the example URL provided below.

Method -GET,

Url -  .. /entity/Default/20.200.001/Customer?$expand=MainContact,MainContact/Address,ShippingContact,&$filter=MainContact/Email eq 'ap@altaace.con'

Maybe examples in this chapter can help:

None of the answers given refer to the names I was asking for or address any differences between MainContact and PrimaryContact.

Hi  @bpgraves ,

  • MainContact: The general and default contact for overall communication, representing the customer or entity at a high level.
  • PrimaryContact: A specific contact for particular purposes, which can vary by transaction type (billing, shipping, etc.).
