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I’m new to this forum so if this is the wrong board for this please point me in the right direction. 

We’re a pretty large company running Acumatica. We sell both wholesale and retail, both on our own websites as well as external marketplaces like Amazon, eBay, Walmart, Etc. We’re currently using Celigo to facilitate an API connection between Acumatica and these platforms to import orders, but we’re looking to export inventory from Acumatica to these platforms as well. 

Being that we currently have over 60,000 SKUs it’s impractical for us to export our entire inventory to these platforms, so we’re looking to set up a feed that only pulls inventory from items whose inventories have changed since the last update. We’ve hit a wall with Celigo because we can’t seem to access the LastModified field on StockItems>WarehouseDetails and Celigo can’t track changes without that timestamp. 

Has anyone set up such an inventory field for their businesses? We’re looking to set up inventory updates for changes every 15 minutes so our Amazon inventory can be as accurate as possible. 

As of 2023R1, Acumatica offers a native integration with Amazon. 


This solution is a thorough integration which handles many things:

  • Establish a link with products (ensures all Amazon products are represented in the ERP)
  • Send Inventory Levels to Amazon (for FBM items)
  • Pull Amazon orders into Acumatica (FBA and FBM orders)
  • Fulfill in Acumatica, then push the shipping notification/tracking number to Amazon (FBM orders)
  • Pull Amazon payments and Amazon Order Related fees into Acumatica
  • Use Bank Feeds for Amazon Statement reconciliation (much more efficient than doing this manually)
  • Much more

This solution is being used by merchants of all types:

  • Fulfilled by Merchant
  • Fulfilled by Amazon
  • On
  • On
  • Some merchants are processing thousands of orders per day using this solution.

More details here -

Click the Request a Demo button and we’ll sync up with you and share more.

If anyone would like to SYNC product data to any E-Commerce platforms they might want to check you can SYNC all your products to AMAZON, Shopify, EBAY, AKENEO and many other Ecommerce platforms.

Does the solution have to be with Celigo?
We’ve leveraged push notifications with server-less functions to push inventory levels real time and it works quite well with Shopify.

No, we’re actually looking to move away from Celigo. We’re currently working with BizTech and their suite of integrations because Celigo was such a nightmarish failure in this regard. 

Another option is with an AdoBot where the technology(Robotic Process Automation) allows for bypassing the API to facilitate the updating however often you would like. AdoBots have already built Bots for Amazon, Shopify and other ecommerce platforms, so the costs are lower with just setting up your specific needs. This would allow for some savings by not needing Celigo should you choose.

Does the solution have to be with Celigo?
We’ve leveraged push notifications with server-less functions to push inventory levels real time and it works quite well with Shopify.

Currently, we have a field which is exposed to the API and calculates inventory based on the warehouse. This field is based on “INStatus.LastModifiedDateTime”. However, the question with Celigo is the aggregation of inventory items based on various locations. So, it should either be aggregated on the Celigo side or we can have a generic Inquiry which feeds this information to Celigo. For this reason, we have a GI in this case. Please find attached for your reference.
After importing the GI, you can perform a GET request:
{​sitename}​/OData/StorageSummary?$filter=SiteLastModifiedDate gt datetime'2021-04-22T00:00:00.000'

@Igor.Leybe to do this via GI would be more time consuming. Opening up the field on the item/warehouse table would be easier, and faster, much much faster.

Why can’t/won’t Acumatica do that?


@Igor.Leybe - their premade templates have the following OData filter which references the LastModified on the stock item: /StockItem?$filter=LastModified ge datetimeoffset'{{encodeURI lastExportDateTime}}' &$top=100

This only recognizes a change to the item listing itself, not to changes in inventory. We tested this by applying an inventory adjustment, running the flow, getting nothing, then changing the item description, running the flow, and getting a result. When we asked Celigo about it they suggested we contact Acumatica. We even attended their office hours and got the same answer. 

Hi @ctechaplus 
We have proposed a solution to Celigo for this scenario and waiting for their reply. It includes retrieving the inventory records using a Generic Inquiry.
Please allow us some time to confirm the findings with Celigo and get back to you on this.

@Igor.Leybe - their premade templates have the following OData filter which references the LastModified on the stock item: /StockItem?$filter=LastModified ge datetimeoffset'{{encodeURI lastExportDateTime}}' &$top=100

This only recognizes a change to the item listing itself, not to changes in inventory. We tested this by applying an inventory adjustment, running the flow, getting nothing, then changing the item description, running the flow, and getting a result. When we asked Celigo about it they suggested we contact Acumatica. We even attended their office hours and got the same answer. 

@ruchikasharma23 - Could you please check with Celigo why they can’t do it and if there are any possible workarounds.

Sure, working on it.

@ruchikasharma23 - Could you please check with Celigo why they can’t do it and if there are any possible workarounds.
