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Hi Team, 


I am trying to push an SO. But getting this error while performing PUT on  https://<TEMP1>/<TEMP2>/entity/Default/22.200.001/SalesOrder


Inserting  'Sales Order Line' record raised at least one error. Please review the errors.; UsrIndicatingUOM: ^Indicative UOM cannot be blank.; UsrIndicativeQty: ^Order Qty cannot be Zero.


My Request Body:

"OrderNbr": {
"value": "<NEW>"
"OrderType": {
"value": "SO"
"CustomerID": {
"value": "T06708"
"note": "",
"CustomerOrder": {
"value": "STG21002"
"Details": r
"note": "",
"InventoryID": {
"value": "0800000"
"OrderQty": {
"value": "1.0000"
"MasterQty": {
"value": "1.0000"
"ManualPrice": {
"value": true
"UnitPrice": {
"value": 125
"UsrIndicativeQty": {
"value": "1.0000"
"UsrIndicatingUOM": {
"value": "KG"
"ManualDIscount": {
"value": true
"DiscountAmount": {
"value": 0
"TaxCategory": {
"value": "DEFAULT"

"Date": {
"value": "12/01/2022"
"RequestedOn": {
"value": "12/01/2022"


Please help me in resolving this.

Hi @chvakhil ,

It seems like there's an issue with the customization fields. Could you please unpublish the package and review it once?

Are you able to create an order on the screen level without any issues?




@chvakhil Did you post  to DEFAULT endpoint? I had problem when I post request to the DEFAULT endpoint. So I created a new endpoint and it works with very sample json content. 



"note": {
"value": "Created by EDI/API.Fedex Account:xxx"
"CustomerOrderNbr": {
"value": "APIOrderTest3"
"ShipToAddress": {
"AddressLine1": {
"value": "Test Address override"
"City": {
"value": "Edison"
"Country": {
"value": "US"
"PostalCode": {
"value": "08817"
"State": {
"value": "NJ"
"ShipToAddressOverride": {
"value": true
"ShipToContact": {
"Attention": {
"value": "Customer Name"
"BusinessName": {
"value": "Business Name"
"Email": {
"value": ""
"Phone1": {
"value": "xxxxxxx"
"ShipToContactOverride": {
"value": true


