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Hello. Im trying to make GI getting Qty on hand from warehouse

Wat tables and fields should I use for this GI?


Hi @skater4,

you can get the warehouse Qty availability, On hand Qty detail from the InSitestatus table. I’ve attached a sample GI for your reference.

Hi @skater4  There are two ways of fetching the Qty OnHand from DAC/Table.


  • If you wanted to fetch On Hand Qty based on the warehouse, you can fetch the Qty On Hand from the INSiteStatus Table/DAC.
  • Or If you wanted to fetch Qty On Hand from the Warehouse and Location-wise, you need to fetch the value from the INLocationStatus Table/DAC.

Here is the screenshot for reference.


Hi @skater4,

you can get the warehouse Qty availability, On hand Qty detail from the InSitestatus table. I’ve attached a sample GI for your reference.

Hi @skater4  There are two ways of fetching the Qty OnHand from DAC/Table.


  • If you wanted to fetch On Hand Qty based on the warehouse, you can fetch the Qty On Hand from the INSiteStatus Table/DAC.
  • Or If you wanted to fetch Qty On Hand from the Warehouse and Location-wise, you need to fetch the value from the INLocationStatus Table/DAC.

Here is the screenshot for reference.


Thanks a lot, it worked for me
