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How to filter on a field inside a details table in an EndPoint

  • 9 April 2021
  • 1 reply



I have extended Default/18.200.001 endpoint to include Construction SubContracts like this http://localhost/test/entity/Subcontracts/18.200.001/Subcontracts


I can filter by a field from the summary like this

https://localhost/entity/Subcontracts/18.200.001/Subcontracts?$filter=SubcontractNbr eq 'SC-000002'


However, can I filter on a field in a details table?

Example, Is it possible to filter by the Project field in Document Details tab in SubContracts end point?


1 reply

Userlevel 7
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As per the Integration Development Guide: “filtering on detail records is not supported. If you specify a filter on detail records, the result of the request is unpredictable.”

The right approach is to create a Generic Inquiry that joins the Subcontract and Subcontract Details table together. You can then extend the default endpoint to add the Generic Inquiry and filter on the detail fields.

Once you have the Subcontract Nbr., you can then work with the standard /Subcontract entity in the API to update the subcontract if you need to.
