I have a sync going where I am trying to do “delta” loads of different types of data from Acumatica. I am extracting certain entities for use in an external customer facing eCommerce website.
What is the best method I should use to make sure I am getting the latest data. For instance, If I run a sync every hour, how to I go about ensuring I get the latest records (ie: SalesOrder, Invoices, StockItems, etc.)
I have GI’s created for them all which work well. My approach right now is to use the “LastModifiedOn” date and load records based on that. I then page through those result sets (if needed). Sometimes we need to do a full resync or “hydration” of a new entity….so I sync in nested batches.
Psudeo code is
LastModifiedOn ge 09/14/2023 and LastModifiedOn le 09/15/2023 $top=100, $skip=100 (page 2)
Inside of that, I will page if needed.
I am not confident I am doing this the best and most efficient way. I wanted to ping the broader community to see if there may be a better approach
Thank you all for your recommendations!